
something's hiding in here

something's hiding in here

Today Grace at design*sponge featured the most fascinating sneak peak that I had to share it. The sneak peak gives us a look at the home of Shauna Alterio & Stephen Loidolt , owners of the lovely shop called Something's Hiding in Here. Here are some of my favorite images from their loft...

something's hiding in here

I really love their headboard with a nook for their deer collection and the paint-by-numbers above the mirror.

something's hiding in here

And I just love this image taken looking through the mirror where you can see their print of an eye chart, which I think I may be right by saying it is the 'hind sight is always twenty twenty' print from the Keep Calm Gallery.

something's hiding in here

How cool is the porch swing in the bedroom?

something's hiding in here

Doesn't their studio make you jealous?

You can see more images from their loft here.

something's hiding in here paint-by-number

Last but not least, if you haven't already seen any of the products that Something's Hiding in Here makes you should definitely check out their shop and visit their blog for a view of products in the making. Personally, I love the paint-by-number United States {pictured above}.


digitile map

digitile map

Today I am loving this translation of a world map to tile. Digitile is a company that features collections of digital wall tiles, custom floor tiles, photo tiles as well as bespoke wallpaper and wallpaper murals from internationally renowned designers and photographers, check out their website for other interesting tile art.


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